Jedediah Smith & Del Norte RedwoodsNational & State Park

Jedediah Smith & Del Norte Redwoods
Front Dust Jacket

Jedediah Smith and Del Norte Redwoods
Back Dust Jacket

Jedediah Smith and Del Norte Redwoods
Hard Cover
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For a sense of scale in these natural settings I often place subjects somewhere in the scenes. Perspectives vary. Some people feel these natural settings are better without any people. So you understand. . . what you see in these examples is what’s in the book, and much more.

Jedediah Smith Redwoods Map

Grove of Titans

Boy Scout Trail

Damnation Creek

Grove of Titans

Hatton Trail

Howland Hill Road
Jedediah Smith and Del Norte Redwoods are situated in Del Norte County. Our northern most coastal county, butting up against the Oregon State Line.
Here the natural range of the redwood ends — right over the State line on Pea-vine Ridge, in Oregon. But don’t let this fool you to believing there’s anything less about these parks. For increased rainfall in this region the redwoods grow bigger here than they do anywhere else in the State. The only reason they stopped here is because of the last ice-age. Been global warming ever since.
I’m giving it to you straight, the largest redwoods in California are found in J.S.R.S.P., directly east of Crescent City. Established in 1929 by Save the Redwoods, and made possible by a donation from Frank Demming Stout, a mid-western timber baron. Starting with 10,000 acres. It’s not much bigger today.
There’s 94 dedicated groves and less than 35 miles of trail skirting the perimeter of this park. The greater part of which is steep forested mountain wilderness.
The windward slopes and ridges of Jedediah are coastal habitat– cool and damp. The underbrush is near impenetrable in places. The lee-side slopes and canyons in Mill Creek are notably warmer — drier habitat, and by it a little more open. On either side the forest aerosols are strong on riparian scents. And the bark on the redwoods here is mostly gray from lichen,
Del Norte Redwoods lies due south of Crescent City. Perched atop the Coast Range Mountains at 1,000 feet elevation, directly over the Pacific Ocean. It’s definitely coastal habitat. You can smell the ocean, but for the elevation the slopes on the high end are not that heavily brushed over. It’s very unique.
There’s 7,500 acres of old-growth redwoods in this park, which I call Forest in the Clouds. Plus there’s additional 30,000 acres of recently acquired second-growth timberlands. Through which the trail system is still being developed.
As it is a strong hiker can cover the trails in both parks in a few days. And while these are small parks they are no less magnificent. As I said, the largest redwoods in California are here, in Jedediah Smith.
Following the introduction to this book is a story about Jedediah Strong Smith. He was a real man. Who ventured through this region in 1828. There were no roads at the time, but there was a system of trails established by the indigenous, and it was the lore of the trails, as told by the natives that Smith managed to find his way around. And following him, in the wake of Manifest Destiny, came a storm of settlers.
Jedediah Smith Redwoods is a hardcover book, forest green in color with a foil stamped title on front and spine. Big 9 x 12 inches, 168 pages. Over 500 full-color images. Plus 8 aerial-view maps, and each is replete with road and trail overlays, access points, trail-heads and distances. I pride myself on the detail in these maps. You won’t find better maps anywhere else. And, too, for lasting protection this book comes with a durable 100# glossy, full-color dust Jacket.
Understand, this isn’t just a picture book about the redwoods. This is the story about Jedediah Smith and Del Norte Redwoods State and National Parks.
Jedediah a great gift. Only $20.00, plus shipping.
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